Absurdos Paralelos / Absurd Parallels


Formato/Format: DVD

3 proyecciones de gran dimensión / 3 projections of large dimension.

Duración/ Duration: 6:25 min.

Una mujer cubriéndose su cara / A woman covering her face
Una mujer cubriéndose su cara / A woman covering her face

2004, mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
2004, Mixed Media on Paper, 59x51 in

Clown I / Clown I
Clown I / Clown I

2006, mixta s/lienzo, 130x130 cm
2006, Mixed media on canvas, 50.7x 50.7 in

Mujer desvistiendose / Woman undressing II
Mujer desvistiendose / Woman undressing II

2004, mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
2004, mixed media on paper, 58.5x50.7 in

Conejo / Rabbit
Conejo / Rabbit

 2006, mixta sobre papel, 127x96.5 cm
2006, mixed media on paper, 50x38 in

Pareja / Couple
Pareja / Couple

2006, mixta s/papel, 127x118 cm
2006, mixed media on paper,50x46.45 in

Bañista / Bather
Bañista / Bather

mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
mixed media on paper,59x51 in

Mujer con músculos / Women with muscles
Mujer con músculos / Women with muscles

2005, pigmentos s/papel, 41x31 cm
2005, pigments on paper, 16x12 in

El grito II / The Scream II
El grito II / The Scream II

2004, mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
2004, mixed media on paper, 59x51 in

Escape II / The Escape II
Escape II / The Escape II

2004, mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
2004, mixed media on paper, 59x51 in

Absurdos Paralelos / Absurd Parallels
Una mujer cubriéndose su cara / A woman covering her face
Clown I / Clown I
Mujer desvistiendose / Woman undressing II
Conejo / Rabbit
Pareja / Couple
Bañista / Bather
Mujer con músculos / Women with muscles
El grito II / The Scream II
Escape II / The Escape II
Absurdos Paralelos / Absurd Parallels


Formato/Format: DVD

3 proyecciones de gran dimensión / 3 projections of large dimension.

Duración/ Duration: 6:25 min.

Una mujer cubriéndose su cara / A woman covering her face

2004, mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
2004, Mixed Media on Paper, 59x51 in

Clown I / Clown I

2006, mixta s/lienzo, 130x130 cm
2006, Mixed media on canvas, 50.7x 50.7 in

Mujer desvistiendose / Woman undressing II

2004, mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
2004, mixed media on paper, 58.5x50.7 in

Conejo / Rabbit

 2006, mixta sobre papel, 127x96.5 cm
2006, mixed media on paper, 50x38 in

Pareja / Couple

2006, mixta s/papel, 127x118 cm
2006, mixed media on paper,50x46.45 in

Bañista / Bather

mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
mixed media on paper,59x51 in

Mujer con músculos / Women with muscles

2005, pigmentos s/papel, 41x31 cm
2005, pigments on paper, 16x12 in

El grito II / The Scream II

2004, mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
2004, mixed media on paper, 59x51 in

Escape II / The Escape II

2004, mixta s/papel, 150x130 cm
2004, mixed media on paper, 59x51 in

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